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The Ancient Tortoise in a World of Hares

The Ancient Tortoise in a World of Hares

i don’t know a lot about nintendo, but i’m sure they are just as evil as nearly all giant korporations get…

i’ll admit to this: yes, i know what pokemon crap is, but never really paid any attention to it…IF YOU HAD NOT TOLD ME, i would NOT have recognized this as a pokemon thing…

The Ancient Tortoise in a World of Hares

i would have just thought it was a fugly cat/animal/alien/? thing…

HOWEVER, where i do think nintendo and most other giant korporations are unalterably eee-vil, is that they can NOT abide ANYONE making a penny off ‘their’ (OUR, that’s OUR culture, WE made it popular, YOU -nintendo- are just along for the ride) characters/etc, EVEN IF -as you point out- there is no ‘competing’ products…

an enterprising, creative nekkid ape, has a lightbulb moment, a serendipitous connection, a flash of intuition that takes something someone else has made, and puts in a different context that delights and surprises, and the ‘owners’ HAVE TO shit on it…(because !trademarks!)

sad, bad, mad world…

(oh, and FUCK YOU whatever, i don’t care what the ‘law’ is, i care what ‘morality’ is…)