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3DfindIT.com is now integrated into FreeCAD

3DfindIT.com is now integrated into FreeCAD

CADENAS 3DFindIT.com and the parametric, programmable 3D open-source CAD software FreeCAD are collaborating to provide engineers and designers access to millions of 3D CAD models from over 2,500 manufacturer catalogs within the new FreeCAD version 0.19.

3DfindIT.com is now integrated into FreeCAD

Thanks to the new, deep integration of high-quality, manufacturer-verified component information from CADENAS 3DfindIT.com visual search engine into FreeCAD, users now have the possibility to find the desired CAD components directly within the 3D open-source CAD software, configure them according to their needs and then transfer the free engineering data into their designs with just a few clicks.

The intuitive search methods, such as the 3D Shape Search, the Sketch Search, the Color Search or the Function Search, are specially adapted to the needs of CAD users. In this way, 3DfindIT.com helps to accelerate the product development process and thus significantly shorten the time-to-market.

The new add-on from FreeCAD and CADENAS is now available free of charge to users of the 3D open-source CAD software version 0.19 in the AddOn Manager within FreeCAD or at https://github.com/cadenasgmbh/3dfindit-freecad-integration. After successful installation, users can directly select the menu item “3DfindIT” in the FreeCAD software and then access millions of 2D and 3D CAD data verified by the component manufacturers.

Depending on the catalog, the digital components are enriched with extensive metadata, such as mass centers, materials, environmental standards, part numbers, etc. By using 3DfindIT.com and the digital component information, engineers no longer have to manually design the required components in a time-consuming manner and thus have significantly more time for creative product development.